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About Me

I got my bachelor degree at Shenzhen University as a Computer Science undergraduate, after that I worked as a tech writer for a few months. Later it turns out that I prefer coding not writing. That's why I've earned my Computer Science master degree at Stevens Institute of Technology as an F1 student. I'm very interested in cloud & distributed computing and I've already had related projects up and running.

Contact Details


Stevens Institute of Technology

Master of Science in Computer Science May 2016

I further practice my programming technique and start researching about cloud & distributed computing. Meanwhile, I also take software engineering and data mining courses to broaden my horizon.

Shenzhen University

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Technology July 2012

I've gained basic programming knowledge here, for example object oriented programming and algorithms designing. I also researched a little about user interface while I study here.


Tech writer

Senior Editor Sep 2011 - Nov 2011

I worked at as a tech writer for a few months. During then, I wrote a lot of articles focused upon cutting edge technologies along with my own points of view. I've been writing articles like:

"Smart TVs: A war to take over your living room is about to begin",

"The ideal battery technology everybody dreaming of",

"The present and future of CAPTCHA",

"Naughtiness of some Android apps",

"The future of UI: Flattening or not".


I do most of my programming with Node.js(v20)/JavaScript(ES14)/React(v18), C++(C++23), and Golang(1.21).
I'm familiar with common programming languages such as Bash/PowerShell, HTML and SQL as well.

  • JavaScript
  • C++
  • Golang
  • SQL
  • Python


At present, I am responsible for the oversight and daily maintenance of several Linux and Windows servers.
My expertise extends to a broad range of cloud computing providers, including but not limited to, SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS.
In addition to my professional duties, I also manage and troubleshoot a personal server network and its supporting infrastructures.
My portfolio includes numerous projects driven by personal interest, all of which have been successfully completed to meet the set objectives.

Agile Development
Web Programming
Serverless Architecture
Continuous Delivery
Application Containerization
Distributed Orchestration


  • This is to certify that Haocen Xu has received Excellent Student of Academic Performance(First Prize) in the academic year of 2010-2011

    Shenzhen University

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I prefer to code lonely.

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